How to break Middle class Trap


21 Steps to break Middle class trap:

The following given steps or better call these rules are the best topics i captured with lots of struggle from internet to give, you guys who is struggling to earn money and break the middle class trap . Begin middle class is so not embarrassing for young teen kids like us. So, kindly remember that “Born  Poor is not our mistake but Dying poor is our mistake”.

1. Dream big dream

2. Develop a clear sense of direction

3. See yourself as self-employed

4. Do what you love

5. Commit to excellence

6. Work longer & harder

7. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning

8. Pay yourself first

9. Learn other’s field’s knowledge too

10. Learn every detail of your business

11. Serve others with honesty

12. Give your best effort

13. Don’t lie to yourself

14. Determine your highest priorities

15. Develop your reputation

16. Be prepared to climb from one peak to another peak.

17. Practice self-Discipline in all actions possible.

18. Unlock your creativity

19. Get around right peoples

20. Don’t copy others exactly, instead take inspiration from them.

21. Be decisive & action oriented.

This are the tools for your success . Remember every point is important for middleclass who is reading this to get some  real life knowledge. IN 21st century it is very important to grow up with new technique .


22. Never allow failure to be an option.

23. Consistent work

24. Grow up with new methods and technologies

25. Take care of your physical and mental health.

            If you guys screenshots this content or write it in your personal dairy to read daily, i now that you will get success one day too. Keep hustling and Hardworking. Hardworking is only way to get the  success.

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